Monday, March 14, 2011


The material that gonna hit u in a little while is a Controversial material…..and is also Highly Irritating or Deviating….!
So people with weak minds or poor Thinkers are highly Restricted [R*]
Others get goinggggg……………muaahhh…..:P
How do you feel when someone hides the truth and projects a lie forward ?

How do you feel when you are considered as a soul of ignorance and don’t use ur mind in Living…?

Here I request you to use your mind in every part of your action and thought.
We generally believe in history and mythology as we cant get back in a time machine to check it out.
But wish we can put some reason to iT.

Generally everyone is aware of Bhagavad Gita  ,
Mahabharata  and  Ramayana.
Now the point is how we take these in our real life, most of the ppl( Hindu theists ) believe that these epics are True.
We guys study so deeper and thorough in finding the validity of simpler math statements and in finding the probability of a coin when we toss it…..without waiting for it to hit the ground (:P ),

why not  put a thought to this( our belief ).
Now going into few loop holes or delicacies (whatever you are comfortable to call it) of our ancient believes with  high expert and trusted texts ,

First  few doubts ( THOUGHTS) regarding Gita,
When Gita was being  preached by Krishna to Arjuna in the battle ground of Kurukshetra whose there as a steno typist  to take down all the notes of  a mammoth 18 chapter text in the din and bustle of war ?   ( THIS IS NOT ONLY WAT HIT MA MIND ALONE , BUT ALSO MENTIONED BY Mr VIVEKANANDA (swami) in his TEXTS.)
Getting into the validity of the texts of GITA…….,
Krishna to Arjuna in 10-37,
 “ Of the descendants of Vrishni ,I am Vasudeva and of the Pandavas, I am Arjuna.
Of the sages I am Vyasa and among great thinkers , I am Sukracharya (usana)

Vrsninam vasudevo smi
                Pandavanam dhananjayah
                Muninam apy aham vyasah
                Kavinam usana kavih. (10-37)

If he is Arjuna , he need not have spoken all the eighteen chapters of Bhagavad Gita. There would have been no need for the entire conversation. One more Thing is that the Lord he himself tells that he is Vyasa among the saints. ( VEDA VYASA WROTE MAHABHARATHA ).
In the 70th sloka of the 18th chapter ;
“I declare that he who reads this holy conversation of ours worships me by his intelligence .“
When krishna is telling all this to Arjuna , whom all he wants to read this ….and why ?

After taking a thorough account of texts of  Max Mueller,  Panini and Vyasa’s epic,
“Were the Pandavas, the sons of Pandu….?,
No .Because  of a curse, Pandu,the king was neither capable of co-habitating with Kunthi , his wife nor begetting children through her. The five Brothers of Pandavas were born to Kunthi either from demi-gods or from others. KARNA from Surya, ARJUNA from Indra. In such a case how can the sons of Kunthi claim a share from the sons of Dritharashtra….?
If one can note the treacherous, brutal , hypocritical and unfair means which are been followed by the protagonists of the Epic and how can still blindly praise Pandavas ( whether really existed or  not  is  secondary ).
How can one consider Mahabharata as a hindhu cultural conduct standard when ,
-          Draupadi has been shared by 5 men …..? (  still honoured as a Prathivrath )
-          Krishna with so many Lies and Raasaleelas as a idealistic Avatar ?
-          The killing of Bheeshma , Dronachaary , Karna  and Duryodhana all by unfair means.
-          Encouraging Casteism
   Basically as it was written by Vyasa , it has paved a path encouraging the supremacy and superiorty of the Brahmins and Kshatriyas. Later it was more publicised and propagated by the Sankaracharya.  

Now it’s the turn of Ramayana……….
Ramayana written by Valmikee. As there are lots of unhealthy strategies and issues in Mahabharatha, Ramayana was well written taking all into account making RAMA as a Male Symbol  & Sita as a pure and  pious Feminine.
Now as usual coming to the validity or the reality of the Ramayana….
-The ridiculousness of Ramayana is in observing that Ravana ruled over the Sri Lanka for over 50,00,000 years while the entire duration of ‘thretha yuga’ was 13 lakh years only  
                -In Ramayana one can find Rama referring to Buddha as a theif on many occasions. Periyar questions that how can Raman of thretha yuga can talk about buddah of 2500 years back.
In the process of more and more versions it has moulded and many regional issues are been incorporated , dampening the original Fictious version.

The epics are concoctions of the beliefs of the people. They are well linked chains of fantasies.
There might be lots of culture and heritage in them. I Honour that , but one cant be in a veil of belief that they  happened and are pious.
-We are living in a world which killed a great scholar for telling that world is not flat,
-We are living in a world which killed Gandhi for supporting muslims,
-We are in a world which culled thousands of people who are against their the general beliefs as by the aristocrats killing the protestants, Hindus killing Buddhists fearing they will be turning all Hindus in to them with their equal and rationalistic means.
-We are living in a world which can see 4 generations back and term the CAST…..but    not looking back 4 more generations where we all are one and the same….? ( our Origin ! )
Juss remember  ONE THING,

So people enough of believing beliefs just as beliefs.
Believe some belief when you can think and defend yourself in believing that belief.

do comment.........:P


  1. Very well written.. I hv to admire ur patience...I dont know wat to call myself theist or atheist... saying that, lemme share sum thing.. I dont think we need to spend our time in finding the faults of the world , mythologies, or even people around us..'The world is full of lies which we truly believe in... If there is any eternal truth abt the world, it shud be about our belief in its lies !'... In the so called gr8 texts "lord krishna".. was depicted as the one who marries so many women... N'Ideal husband Rama' who suspects his wife... I dont think the ppl who created them not are stupid to create such hypocritical characters... There has to be reason......... There s a sharp line btw belief, superstition n illusion.To conclude, PPl believe in lot of babas... They say tat he gives them power to do lot of things... All tat might seem superstitious to us... But The point is that, the 'element of belief' in baba is more important ...Itll be a problem when the 'element of baba' becomes more important than the belief itself. Its the same case with religion, caste system , n our society.

  2. i do accept wat u said bro........nd dats whr i wanna...stress.......

    many are jus simply believing wid a feeling that it relieves them frm tensions nd living fears nd burdens......

    i am an Agnost ...nd i dnt bother the existence....!

    we are creating a hub of illusion nd surviving in it as a pupal stage of a butterfly....

    but nt coming out of it....!

    nd thankx hav gt smthng in U;...!
