"Competition sans quality of learning at all levels of education."
"Competition brings out the best in products and the worst in people" -David Sarnoff.
i seriously agree with this statement, as I have been experiencing and noticing this phenomenon. Competition can be defined as a state of situation where we start working for ourselves and end up in others court. A competitor always checks about others progress rather than keeping his experience as a keepsake. The real meaning of education in the words of J.K “There is no need to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.
Coming to the history or the reason for the origin of the competition, it has its roots early in the barter system itself where people started choosing the required necessities and priorities as said by Adam smith in his masterpiece ‘Wealth of nations’. From then People started looking at things pretty objectively. Education too became as a state of art which measures your quality of living. If we can notice at the time of renaissance period , The intellectual group of people who showed the world what life is and how to live it are no longer available and pity is that they have become extinct. The great painters( Pablo, Vango, Deigo),Musicians as (Mozart, Beethoven, Bach), and great thinkers and philosophers as(Plato , Socrates , Kant and Marx ) would not have been there if they also thought of the same kind as we are doing now. There is something called as joy and happiness in learning , and learning has to be relished rather being pressurised.
If one looks at the destination and has his eye over that ,then he cant see the path which he is following but just the destination simply. Even though one wish to make a qualitative study , the present scenario doesn’t allow that to happen. The present education system became so objective that it puts the normal logic and reasoning of the student at bay . Few students who are creative and smart have also became a prey to this kind of education system . By these kind of education patterns we are killing not only the science but also our future indirectly. The competition is making the people more machinery.
This kind of competition is making people to follow the system as goats, and who ever could not able to get into it are becoming a prey to it. The increase in the suicide rates in the adolescents is just simply because of the pressures they are being put up with a long time. It cracks them up and results in these. Not only the kids , this competition at jobs is making the society to crackle up. The various psychological problems , Life expectance Falling off are simply because of this “competition” .As love,joy,sorrows,cries, the competition has also became a part of the day to day emotions.
Finally one thing has to be kept in mind that we give examinations as we have learned something; but we don’t learn something to give any examination. Everyone wants the first position knowing it can be attained by only one person. If only one can win and many others loose, sometimes i used to feel that man shouldn’t have invented the state of winning something , so that NO PAIN NO GAIN. So if one wishes to have a qualitative analysis subjective knowledge , then this rudimentary system of quantitative evaluation should be wiped off. This makes the win to be universal , where everyone enjoys the joy of others....
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