Saturday, February 9, 2013

Before being a Valentine……………..

                Dec 21st –doomsday, Jan 1st –New Year and Feb 14th – Valentine’s Day, the three popular dates of the recent times of the present generation. For a generation which believes that ‘ the Identity lies in the brand of an inch and half synthetic strap in a low waist outfit; A generation listening to Bob Marley in their I-pods, wearing a tee of Che Guevara ( not bothering to know what he was) smoking Hookahs and cigars relating themselves to those legends, believing themselves to be Rebels ( without a cause) where the causes are always gone with the wind.   
                The generation of gadget freaks , believing more in ‘machines’ than ‘emotions’, where social media like Facebook and Whatsapp define their mutual trust, also the suspicion starters. The technical apps and their flaws playing pivotal role in causing breaches in the relations, which are based on fragile pillars of suspicion and insecurities.
                A generation so particular of its own space and privacy, not only having issues with elders of generation gap but also among their peers. A generation where you can touch each other’s body but not their mobile phones. A generation where in relations it is okay to know one’s emotions, weaknesses and also their privates but not Passwords. A generation of software slaves and Plastic smiles in the fast food nations burning more fuel than calories, ending up as hippos and then running after Lipos (liposuction). A generation where there is more transparency in the dress, than the words and hearts. A generation where a ‘HERO’ is a jobless guy tailing the gal and ‘The Lady’ is one who shows more skin and curves. A generation whose idealisms are pathetic.
                A consumerist generation where even “Love” has become ready-made with a list of pre-defined actions thwarting thoughts and original expressions to the earth. Finest greeting cards with second hand words of third grade quality, roses, pendants, chocolates, hugs and hangouts, If these are and are the only measuring parameters of Love, then no wonder breaks ups have become so easy.
                As James Joyce said “Love loves to love love. Nurse loves the new chemist…. Jumbo, the elephant, loves Alice, the elephant. Old Mr Verschole with the ear trumpet loves old Mrs Verschoyle with the turned in eye. ………. You love a certain person. And this person loves that other person because everybody loves somebody ….. ”.
              Love has become such a matter of convenience. A generation which runs out of shops, shopping for ages just to pick a single pair of dress never has the patience to wait for a particular and a right person. If not in the same street, it has to be in the next, if not in the same class, then in the same University. Like so on…conditions are applied* in the race of quick picking up.

              Finally to all those people celebrating ‘Love’ on Feb. 14th, thinking themselves as celebrities, trusting in those plastic emotions and false images which were built out of commercial interests of few business men.
This generation of ours which believes blindly in quality standards like ISO, ASQ certifications, has already lost the common sense and natural abilities of noticing and choosing the quality regarding various elements in our day to day life. We are now in a world of Machines and their emotions, living like a programmed Love Bots (robots)…….!!!

Waiting for the outcast female of the brand new generation………
a female who can make me not to bother about the generation and its shortcomings…..!!!


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