When I was a kid ,
I can recall my inquisitiveness over the question “ what was first : Chicken or Egg ?”
"Seed or Tree…?”
While nearing my teens and after studying reproduction chapters in class 8 th , I took a step ahead and got into the mystery of “ Man or Woman..?”
Now after stepping into my 21st year one question is repeating itself so recurrently that I cant avoid answering it.
This question makes another ‘Fight Club’ between my thoughts of my CHARACTER and my CONSCIENCE.
I personally feel one has to make few principles and stick to them. Let the world end , sky might fall and in topsy turvy situation one shouldn’t deteriorate .
To quote one by Che Guevara “ I would rather die standing than live on my knees"
‘Che’ knows that its jeopardy gng to Bolivia and got shot dead at an age of 39 leaving his daughter Hildalta and wife with the world.Our lives are important. Living is more important.
First is living a Life and then the framed principles and policies.
In such a case, what’s the difference between Man and Animal. ?
You can’t degrade yourself begging for food and collecting crumbs at the garbage bins ..!
It’s better dying.......Wat saY…?
Two points I have to make clear to you before I raise one of my own.
-There need not be any difference between human and animals when it’s a matter of living. I am not talking about the quality but about sheer living. Moreover we harm them more. :P
-Coming to beggars, Life isn’t a choice for them. Life is to live it.
Hunger doesn’t have any Taste.
Sleep doesn’t have any comfort.
It’s your thought and Pre-defined values which make them important to you.
To a point of mine, have you ever thought of the quality of quality…?
Quality is a relative term like that of Good and Bad.
‘ISI’ or ‘ASA’ standards aren’t there for living yet.
It’s better living a year like Swan than a life like a Crow.
It’s better living a day with freedom than a year like a Slave.
You are neither living the life of Swan nor the Crow .put yourself in the shoes of the crow and tell……
It can’t paint itself WHITE and tell that “ THIS IS IT”.
No choice man ….no choice…can’t you see that..?
A prostitute sells her body .
A software professional sells his mind.
On terms of quality it’s the mind which takes the Cake.
SO , THE PROSTITUTE is maintaining a better dignity than the software professional.
Principles and policies should be keep changing with time and conditions.
If you keep changing, being fickle and not have a standardised consistency then where you end up finally…?
If everyone thinks same,
CHE felt the same……
Gandhi…..Bhagat Singh ….the same then Cuba and India would have still been fighting for Independence day.
Tilak said ‘ Swaraj is my birth right’ and that’s what he foufght for until his last breathe.
That’s what he is still remembered for …!
TRUCE……let me call it a day with mine……….
Man listen,
I agree with you that Gandhi and Tilak are the frontiers of the national movement. But, they are the middle and upper middle class. They had a CHOICE.
I am insisting upon the poor, the beggars , the prostitutes , the daily waged labour who makes up the 70-75 % of our India. I here also stress that one can’t and shouldn’t look down upon them.
A poor man can posses his dignity and honesty as his asset.
Where a rich shows his money and prosperity as his status and assets.
Just keep in mind that never look down upon any poor ( pure ) fellow. There are many Rich fellows of Poor character and rotten mind sets with zero honesty and disgusting dignity. ……….!
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