One question which I have been facing right from ma childhood till graduation is
E ……..?
For everything it seems it has got a definition.
So ppl got used to define things either by mugging up or copying it down from gr8 sources.
If the definitions and pre-defined views are exam constrained then there would not have been any problem with me or for me. But this has been incorporated into our Culture and trenD. People started looking at things keeping a certain pre-defined set of values and expectations in mind.
Certain examples or situations or encounters are :
1) A Trendy GUY shud looook like…….long hair…….iF short with spikE ; a stuD ; hair colouring ; wrist bands ; game for smoking and booznG ; with a low waist wid a international undie strap popping ouT.... and a tattoo on his Tri-ceP.
3) A so-called , unique or rebellious or nihilist or a Vagabond or a iconoclastic Guy decides himself or ppl expect him to be like with full Attitude, don’t caring for health and so-called future and smoking ,boozing and seldom drugs with a typical look and dressing style sticking to a certain type of clothing and a semi-serious and pompous look on his face , often telling who cares and with a wry smile with followed by a Wink. :P
4.) A relationship to others should look like its all Love and Fun to the couple. The guy or gal should keep giving gifts to each other , saying love u and tooo…quite often , talking hours together on phone jus telling nothing but telling to “tell wat elszz ..? “ , bike rides , public display of affection , beach dines , few pubs and boasting about his gal/guy at others….:P
5.) Few other relationships which r forming as foam are the so-called Friendships…..telling “WHY CANT A GUY AND A GAL CANT BE JUSS FRIENDS …..? ? L ” & hanging out here and there with a gang of friends to pubs and few dark places to fill few dark secrets…..( Drugs &; SEX )….and experiences in the name of safety .( kewl trick rYt… ? )

This has become a trend that people have gotta follow few norms and forms such these which are sited a couple of lines above .These standardised pre-defined characteristics define or allow him to be in those respective zones and areas. There’s very less scope for
an individuality.
Though we find unique people …..again they all are Unique in the same way……L
Because of such situations many are faking their lives , living in an imaginary or adjusted veil with a fear that they be out of the League. We also Judge easily and put ppl in to the a particular set of people ( though we know 1000 Quotes about every one is Unique …:P )
Countries Got their Freedoms……….nOw it’s the turn of the PeoplE…….to choose their lives as their own………..!
afterall UR THE ORIGINALLL…………! J J J
gud one ra..!