Wen my mind thinks ....my body can just penn it.......as Gandhi ( let it b Nyone....as gandhi is popular his wrd counts.).said..."U BE D CHANGE WHAT U EXPECT THE WORLD TO BE "... i havnt quoted it xactly...but ......hope u gt conveyd..or b annoyed fr readn dis ...still i keep goinn.....!
so i here in d process of Changing...
shwng u by writing d Change...
born diffrnt ...nd revealn dat nw..
gt irritated being d Change nd wanna u to JOIN ME.......!
here r few wrds which chained up to mean smthng....!
i dnt knoe which particular LINE is d difference of INTELLIGENCE & INSANITY.........so hav been crossing ...passing nd surpassing it many times......presentng u some crap in these few lines.....which get updated.....wen eva i get pissed off.....or......cheered up..!
if u r gud ,den y u go comparinG....??? "
"Y to think Positive..(so called positive as in self-help buks)..?...??
accept that things also be Negative.....& act accordnG 2 dem.....!
accept that things also be Negative.....& act accordnG 2 dem.....!
Dnt comfort urself by illusions.....!! "
"Fud which is tasty is nt gud for health.........
Beauty which is gud to luk nt gud at heart.....
attraction is always.......addictive.....though v knoe.....v dnt lyk 2 accept it..."
"Every nrml persn has gt a Spl. TALENT.....,
but if it is sooo spl...
hOw ..v nrml ppL gonna Recognise or Realise.."THEM"....?
so our gr8ness Lies in hands or minds of Othersss...!!....? ? "
" For evry one thrs is dis someone Spl...
wid someother one......:P :P.......!!! "
"When i hv gt wrk to do i feel Bored.....! ,
Bt wen thrs nthn 2 do .,..den no Boredom ,nd me with full freedm to do nythn..! "

" LOVE is a Chweet gamE.....
hw eva gud it is.....still atlass...
the GAME IS (or has to be ) OVER*....! "
"Beee Iconoclastic Ovr Archaic Compttv 'Lie' F....! "
Helpng others .....?
What evryone thinks of U, wen u help others.....? "
"Dnt pity ppl who r physicaly disabled, crippld..!
Do fr who r psychologicaly as dats highly contagious..! "
"Woo"men r gud @ BEAUTY
but d conundrum is nly one of dem is PRESENT..!
(Discrete function )
"Evry one wants to ~ "love" ; "to be loved"
"cannot LUV d way "LUV" is."
V keep gng expectng D best .....either in 'person' or for 'person'.......! "
"Ur namE as hymn

in day and Dream
Time to Time
Ur namE as Hymn....! "
"R v celebrating Independence........?
Independence Day....?
Independently...or fr others dependency....?....!!! "
"Ppl inquisitively indulge in gossips abt others...
but neva in helpn ......lots n loads of crap freaks ,
wid creeping minds peeping ~IN & INN.......y....? "
"LUv gives Fun...leaves wid Pain....wen u Realise dis Sin....by den tym in Vain....ITS ALL INSANE...! "
"Love is always associated wid a fascicle of .....Expectations~Egoes~Suspicions...& Pain..........so...its all in d GAME...!!! "
"A single Success always yields a pack of liars, haters , hypocrites......!!
whr failures yields few huGs nd few pats....!!! "
"In nythng if u gotta hav trust; means thr r also chances of suspicion....in dat...!!
so y shud one forcely,intentionally Trust smone.......if its nt being ...involuntary.... ?? "
"The mOre u quArell....The mOre u bOthEr.....The mOre..u LOve...
keep YellinG....@ evry Darllng..!"